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Texas School Book Depository

Definition: The Texas School Book Depository (now the Dallas County Administration Building) is the former name of a seven-floor building facing Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas (U.S.). Located on the northwest corner of Elm and North Houston Streets.
The Texas School Book Depository (now the Dallas County Administration Building) is the former name of a seven-floor building facing Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas (U.S.). Located on the northwest corner of Elm and North Houston Streets. Stats for Location#: 1163
History Records: 1
Paranormal Claims: 3
Evidence Records: 1
Stories: 2
The site of the building was originally owned by John Neely Bryan. During the 1880s, Maxime Guillot operated a wagon shop on the property. In 1894, the Rock Island Plow Company bought the land, and four years later constructed a five story building for the Southern Rock Island Plow Company. In 1901, the building was hit by lightning and nearly burned to the ground. It was rebuilt in 1903 in the Commercial Romanesque Revival style, and expanded to seven stories. The land was bought in 1937 by D. Harold Byrd, who by 1963 had leased it to the Texas School Book Depository.

Paranormal Claims

  • A ghostly figure has been reported being seen in the far right window on the sixth floor.
  • Strange noises and footsteps have been heard at night when nobody else is in the building.
  • Several people have reported cold spots on the stairways.



external link Live Cam from Dealey Plaza - Live camera feed from Dealey Plaza
external link Official Property Deed Search - Official deed search for this property
external link Is this the ghost of Lee Harvey Oswald? - A blog post about the photographs we are posting as evidence for one of the claims.
external link Murder Perch to Museum - Another article explaining the history of this location.
db#438- 98