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The JFK Assignation Limo and Paranormal Claims

Definition: Information about the SS-100-X limousine J.F.K. was riding in when he was assonated.
In November 22, 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed while riding a navy blue 1961 Lincoln 74A open-air limousine as part of his motorcade in Dallas, Texas. Today the exact the nature of the assassination is still a center of controversy, but what many agree on was that Kennedy’s limousine, code named “SS-100-X” by the Secret Service, was ill-equipped to protect the president. Although it has hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of modifications, including placing an additional “hidden” seat at the passenger cabin, none of it was allocated to making the car bulletproof.

Strangely enough, the SS-100-X was kept in service for another 8 years after Kennedy’s death, gaining several upgrades such as titanium armor plating, bullet-resistant glass, and a permanent bulletproof roof. The navy blue paint was also covered with black as Kennedy’s successor, President Lyndon Johnson, felt the original color was too much of a reminder of the assassination. But despite these changes, the tragedy still lingers around the convertible in the form of the paranormal. Visitors looking at the SS-100-X in its display at the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan have reported seeing an apparition dressed in gray standing beside the car, particularly in late November.

Shawn and Marianne Donley of and Dark Shadow Ghost Tours traveled to Dearborn, Michigan on June 29, 2017 to visit this vehicle (and other artifacts at the museum).

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