The background on the story of Robert A. Ferguson is this: Robert A. Ferguson was attending a spiritualist convention in Los Angeles, California, back in 1968. One of the attendees decided that they would take a photograph of him. And when he looked at the photograph afterward, he got a big surprise. There was an image in the photograph that was familiar to him. It was his brother. There's only one problem: Robert A. Ferguson's brother had passed away, during World War II. Because Robert A. Ferguson was interested in Spiritualists in general, it may be that he was a sensitive -- his brother may have been as well. Many ghosts decide, because of their interests and because of their affection for those of us who are still living, to come back and see us through some of our toughest times.
It may be that this is what happened in the case of Robert A. Ferguson. Some people might question the authenticity of the photograph taken at that Spiritualist convention, but it was a Polaroid. There is no way any kind of Photoshopping could have been done to that picture. We're thankful that through this photo we can get a better picture of life after death.
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