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Electro Magnetic Field Theory - EMF

Definition: The electro magnetic theory of the paranormal is that supposedly a ghost/spirit gives off an electro magnetic field which can be detected by Electro Magnetic Field meters (EMF).

The electro magnetic theory of the paranormal is that supposedly a ghost/spirit gives off an electro magnetic field which can be detected by Electro Magnetic Field meters (EMF). Nearly everything in nature, both alive and inanimate, emit an electromagnetic field. And many man-made devices emit a very strong electromagnetic field such as electrical outlets and fuse boxes, computers, electrical wiring, television sets, air conditioning units, appliances and much more. Most of these electrical sources will give off high EMF readings as part of their normal operation.

The units of measure most often used for EMF in the U.S.A. is called milligaus (mg). In Europe the commonly used unit of measure for EMF is the milliTesla (mt) (named after the famed scientist/investor Nicolas Tesla who experimented greatly with electricity). 1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss.

A paranormal occurrence or ghost may give off milligaus readings in the range of 1.5mg to about 6mg depending on the EMF meter you use. If you get a paranormal reading, the reading should not be a steady. Steady/constant readings are usually artificially created. You may have to move around to see where the reading or ghost may be taking you.

The digital EMF meter (PICTURED WITH THIS ARTICLE) is one of the best EMF meters to use in the paranormal investigation field because this meter gives a precise digital readout of the milligaus readings. Paranormal activity may occur at 1.5mg to 6mg for this meter. You want to also look for sudden spikes even if there is a low reading, because it may be the trail of what you are trying to find.

Digital EMF meters come in two styles: Single-axis and Tri-Field. A single axis meter (as the one shown with this article) only detects EMF fields that cross the meter at a right angle (90 degrees) as the large white arrow on the face of the meter shows. Tri-Field meters detect EMF fields in all 3 dimensions at the same time. They are, however, much more expensive.


Paranormal Theories
db#1005 - 97