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Finding Big Foot

Definition: Finding Bigfoot is a documentary television series that premiered on May 30, 2011, on Animal Planet.

Finding Bigfoot is a documentary television series that premiered on May 30, 2011, on Animal Planet. The program follows members of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) in their search for Bigfoot, a cryptid hominid allegedly living in the wildernesses of the United States and Canada. The series never questions the existence of Bigfoot but rather documents the team's search efforts as if it were searching for individuals of a known animal species.

The team often makes use of reconstructions, using a team member as a stand-in for Bigfoot for eyewitnesses to judge scale, as well as night-vision technology and FLIR cameras. Another mainstay is call blasting, mimicking the yells of the creatures. They also do wood knocks which mimics the Bigfoot's communication.

Matt Moneymaker, researchers James ￿Bobo￿ Fay and Cliff Barackman, and skeptical scientist Ranae Holland, have expanded their search in North America and beyond to investigate the sasquatch phenomenon known as ￿yowies￿ in Australia, the￿orang pendek￿ of Indonesia, the wildman of Vietnam and the "yeren" of China.


Paranormal TV Shows
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