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Ghost of Anna Surratt at the White House

Definition: The spirit of Anna Surratt has been reported knocking on the door of the White House and laying on the steps outside sobbing, pleading for the life of her mother.
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Not every White House ghost is a former resident. For example, Anna Surratt, daughter of Mary Surratt, allegedly haunts the White House. Mary was a Confederate sympathizer who allowed John Wilkes Booth and other conspirators to plan the Lincoln assassination at her boarding house in downtown Washington, D.C.

After Lincoln’s murder, Mary Surratt was found guilty and sentenced to death. In response, Anna went to the White House to ask President Andrew Johnson to pardon her mother. Newspapers reported that the evening before the execution, Anna “was induced to take a seat in the East Room, where she stayed several hours, weeping silently, and springing up each time the front door of the mansion was heard to open, hoping to see someone who could aid her in seeing the president.”

Anna Surratt failed to reach President Johnson, the first lady, or their daughter, and returned to her mother’s cell. She attempted to breach the White House doors once more before the execution, and “finding all her tears, lamentations, and entreaties of no avail, she flung herself at last upon the stone doorsteps and there sobbed and sobbed in the agonies of her despair.” She was again unsuccessful, and on July 7, 1865, her mother Mary Surratt became the first woman executed by the federal government.

Legend has it that the ghost of Anna Surratt still knocks at the door of the White House, pleading for her mother’s life and has been seen laying on the steps outside sobbing.

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(click on images to enlarge):
Elizabeth Susanna Surratt (1843-1904) aka Anna Surratt; aka Eugenia Susanna Surratt. A depiction of Anna Surratt waiting in the East Room of the White House awaiting to speak with President Johnson. Mary Surratt's boarding house in Washington, D.C. circa 1890. Article from The Burlington Weekly Sentinel Burlington, Vermont - Fri, Nov 20, 1868 Page 2 A depiction of the spirit of Anna Surratt pounding on the door of the White House so that she can get in and plead for her mother's life.


The spirit of Anna Surratt has been reported knocking on the door of the White House and laying on the steps outside sobbing, pleading for the life of her mother.
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Related Resources

external link Anna Surratt | History of American Women - Anna was only 22 years old when her mother Mary Surratt was sentenced to death as a conspirator in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865.
external link Eugenia Susanna “Anna” Surratt Tonry (1843-1904) - Find a Grave Memorial - Elizabeth Susanna Surratt (1843-1904) aka Anna Surratt; aka Eugenia Susanna Surratt. Birth: Daughter of Mary Elizabeth Jenkins aka Mary Surratt (1823-1865) and John Harrison Surratt (1813-1862). Elizabeth's mother, Mary, was executed for her role in the Lincoln assassination. Elizabeth married William P. Tonry, a...
external link From the White House Historical Association
external link Isaac and Anna Surratt | - Mary Surratt's son Isaac and daughter Anna. They are both buried next to their mother in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Image Source: Surratt House Museum
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