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Ghost of British Officer

Definition: The ghost of a British soldier who carries a torch has been seen around the grounds of the White House late at night.

During the War of 1812, British soldiers tried to burn down the White House, and the ghost of the man who put the torch to the building is alleged to still walk the grounds at night with a blazing torch. There is at least one reported incident where the fire-bug of a soldier has been seen inside the White House. A husband and wife who stayed in a second-floor bedroom at the White House claimed the ghost tried to set fire to their bed. The incident occurred in the room where Abraham Lincoln's son, Willie, died. Lynda Johnson, daughter of President Lyndon Johnson, occupied this same room during her father's presidency. She claimed to have seen Willie's ghost there on several occasions.

If there was ever a ghost with an opportunity to make a splash during the government shutdown, it's the torch-wielding soldier looking for something to burn.


White House Ghosts
db#620 - 68