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Crescent Hotel Spirits

Definition: The location where a self-proclaimed doctor with a cure for cancer set up shop.
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Built in 1886, there have been hundreds of tales of paranormal experiences at the Crescent Hotel & Spa. Given its history, it’s not surprising. Besides being a popular mountaintop resort, the hotel has served as both a girls’ college and a cancer hospital–where "Doctor" Norman Baker claimed to have the cure for cancer. Announced as America's Most Haunted Hotel by the likes of Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures, an abundance of extraordinary experiences have always attracted the attention of paranormal investigators who have traveled to the property to study and research the hotel's supernatural activity.

During the construction of the building, a work was killed and his spirit still roams the grounds.

Several patients of Dr. Norman Baker passed away under his care and were actually buried within the basement of the hotel. It is believed that the spirits of some of those patients still roam the grounds as well.

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The location where a self-proclaimed doctor with a cure for cancer set up shop.
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