Tombstone, Ariz., is the quintessential Wild West town. Founded in 1877 by a silver prospector, the town still treasures its historic appearance...and its historic inhabitants.
The town's most famous location, the O.K. Corral, is just one of the reportedly haunted spots in Tombstone. Throughout the years, visitors and residents of Tombstone have claimed to see the apparitions of cowboys in gun-fighting stance at the Corral. In 2002, a cameraman working with the Ghost Trackers Organization was attempting to take a picture of the O.K. Corral sign when he noticed a tall dark figure rising from a park bench. Through his viewfinder, the cameraman watched the figure approach. He tried to take a picture, but the camera would not work. When he tried to get the attention of other crewmembers, the figure disappeared.
At Tombstone's Boothill Graveyard -- so named because many of the individuals buried there are said to have "died with their boots on" -- visitors often report seeing the ghosts of the individuals buried there. Notorious Tombstone resident Billy Clanton, who was shot dead by Wyatt Earp in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral and buried at Boothill, is said to walk regularly between the graveyard and the town.
The Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone was a saloon, theater, gambling hall and brothel during the town's heyday. Although it was open for just eight years, it was reportedly the scene of as many as 26 murders. Years after it closed, town residents reported hearing music and voices coming from inside the building, but no one was ever found inside. In 1934, the long-empty building was reopened as a tourist attraction, and it remains a popular destination for ghost hunters and historians today.
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