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The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel Hauntings

Definition: The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel has a paranormal history including sightings of departed Hollywood legends like Marylin Monroe.

The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel opened in 1927, and was actually host to the first Academy Awards ceremony. In 1953, the actor Montgomery Cliff stayed in the hotel for several months while filming From Here to Eternity and he was renowned for walking up and down the hallway rehearsing his lines and playing the trumpet. So it's no surprise that today heavy male footsteps are reported on the ninth floor walking up an down, and the sounds of a trumpet are heard by staff.

Suite 213 is, according to paranormal investigators, the most haunted room in the hotel. It has been home to several overnight investigations. A number of electronic voice phenomena have been recorded in there, saying that somebody had died in that room. According to staff at the hotel, at least ten, if not more, guests have checked out of that room in the middle of the night claiming that they had seen the apparition of a headless man coming towards them.

Room 229, Marilyn Monroe was known to have stayed there. And there is a mirror in there that is reputed to be haunted. Guests looking into the mirror supposedly see an attractive face of a blonde woman staring back out at them. Whether or not this is the ghost of Marilyn Monroe , or not, I am not sure. So down in the ballroom a number of ghosts have been reported by visitors and staff over the years. People dancing have been seen.

Most interesting though is the fact that Marilyn Monroe has been reported seen in the ballroom as well, either walking, dancing, or posing. So she seems to have a strong connection with the hotel.


Hauntings and Legends
db#774 - 183