Lizzie Borden amassed a small fortune during her life. At her death, her book collection alone was valued at $1,134.75. Her two cars - a 1923 Lincoln and a 1924 Buick - were assessed at $1,425. Altogether, the estate was worth just more than $310,000, equivalent to about $4 million today. Her sister's estate was worth a little more.
In her will, Lizzie left more than $50,000 to the Animal Rescue League of Fall River.
Frank W. Knowlton, son of Hosea M. Knowlton, one of the prosecutors who tried to convict Lizzie Borden of murder, noted her passing.
After Lizzie's death, Frank Knowlton, wrote a letter to Edmund Pearson, the author of a book on the Borden murders.
He noted that Lizzie was buried next to her father and stepmother.
"I wonder," he wrote, "if she will rest in peace."
Borden Murders and Trial Borden, Lizzie Lizzie and Emma Borden - After the Murders ONeil, Nance Borden, Andrew Borden Folk Rhyme Borden, Abby Sullivan, Bridget Morse, John Churchill, Adelaide Borden, Emma Lizzie Borden Alibi Bowen, Seabury Russell, Alice Fourteen Reasons to Believe Lizzie Murdered Her Parents Hauntings at the Borden House Hauntings at the Borden House - 2 Murder in the Well Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Spirits at the Lizzie Borden House