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Ben Franklin

Definition: Sightings of Ben Franklin's Ghost are often reported at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia.
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It would be hard to find a more brilliant, or a more colorful historical figure than Benjamin Franklin. Maybe that's why people don't mind so much that he haunts the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia.

Franklin founded the society, where most of his books and original writings are kept to this day. It seems he was so fond of the place he decided to stay long right along with them.

Stories of his ghost date back to the 1880s, when a cleaning woman reported seeing his ghost wandering the halls and hurrying along through the bookshelves. Franklin's spirit really gets around- folks say his statue outside the Society building sometimes leaves its perch to walk the darkened streets alone. He's also been seen dancing or skipping along the route he would have taken from the Society Building and Independence Hall to his shop and home.

People often mistake this apparition as a reenactor, until, after one glimpse, they turn, and Ben Franklin... is gone.


Hauntings and Legends
db#755 - 176