A point of historical interest is the remains of the gatehouse erected by Feargus B. Squire (1850-1932).
Squire, vice-president of Standard Oil Company, began assembling a country estate in the Chagrin Valley in the 1800s, gradually acquiring 525 acres.
He built a gatehouse of stone quarried on the property, eight miles of gravel roads and a pond, but sold the property in 1922. Three years later it was purchased by the Cleveland Metropolitan Park Board as the heart of North Chagrin Reservation. There is a legend surrounding the castle that states that Late one evening, for reasons never fully understood, Mrs. Squire ventured alone into the trophy room, carrying her red lantern.
While in the room, something frightened Mrs. Squire. Some believe it was simply the reflection of her lantern on the faces of her husband's trophies. But there are those that believe Mrs. Squire looked into the face of something unearthly that night.
Regardless of what it was, she became so frightened that she attempted to flee the room. In the darkness, she fell and broke her neck.
Upon finding his wife's body, Squire was overcome with grief. Indeed, he blamed himself for his wife's death. He immediately ceased construction on the house and moved back to the city... never to return again
To this day, there are many who report seeing a ghostly figure roaming the castle carrying a red lantern. The problem with the legend is, Mrs. Squire hardly ever visited the castle. She was more of a city person and didn’t quite care for the rustic surroundings of the castle. Also, she died later on at their home in WIckliffe from pneumonia.
As for Squire's Castle being haunted, there are far too many people reporting "something" moving around Squire's Castle late at night. So while Mrs. Squire doesn't haunt the castle, maybe, just maybe, someone else's ghost does.
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