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Everette T. Miller

Definition: An user at the Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville, Ohio and it is suspected that he is still there performing his duties.

(1888 - 1956) The late Everett Miller was born and spent his lifetime in this village. For 88 years his life was daily an open book to his small town neighbors. We believe they will join us in saying that he conformed to the picture of what a citizen should be. He was industrious, he was moral and he lead a useful life. He was a consistent christian. Older residents who recall his youth, will identify him with activity and enthusiasm in sports. He loved the great American game of baseball and was himself a most excellent player. As a bowler in the old days when the game was popular in McConnelsville, he was among the best. The life of Everett Miller was not spectacular. He never acquired fame or great wealth, but everyday found him in his niche, doing his duty, supporting his family and worthwhile things of the community where he lived. Most everyone here liked and respected Everett Miller as a good man and a good citizen and they will all miss his cheery greeting, especially about the courthouse. Everett Miller was an Usher at the Twin City Opera House for 30 years and is believed to still walks the aisles performing his duties.

A excerpt from a paranormal investigation group:

Many Opera House employees and visitors reportedly have seen a ghostly white figure of a man in a white suit in the theater. It has been noted that long ago, a former manager of the Opera House always wore a white suit.

That manager's name was Everett Miller, and many people assumed that Everett liked the Opera House so much that he just couldn't leave it, even after death.

"We have captured disembodied voices (Electronic Voice Phenomena) over 200 times on digital voice recorders. When asking for a name in the basement of the theater, a voice answered Everett," said Glosser.


Twin City Opera House
db#1025 - 89