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Twin City Opera House - Full of Mysteries

Definition: Information on some of the various hauntings and mysteries about this building.

The Twin City Opera House still has plenty of mysteries left to unravel. Perhaps you will encounter Everett Miller the usher there for 30 years who still watches over the opera house and has been contacted and seen numerous times during investigations. Quite possibly you will run into 10 year old Elizabeth peeking from the catwalk or hear her giggling. Then there is Red Wine Robert who enjoys interacting with paranormal investigators by answering questions through EMF devices and he has also been heard on EVP's stating that "I've got Red Wine". Perhaps the spirit of John Leezer who was fatally stabbed in the ballroom in the early 1900's will make an appearance. For those looking for a darker encounter, the Dark Shadow Masses that lurk deep in the basement near the blocked off tunnels that once ran under the town. These Black Masses have been observed by dozens of people and will occasionally growl or drastically drop the temperature for those who get too near. One Black Mass was captured on 2 different DVR cameras on June 6th, 2009. Over 300 EVP's have been captured from the Opera House. Every part of this historic building is paranormally active and has been titled one of the most haunted buildings in Ohio.


Twin City Opera House

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