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Flight 401 - Flight Log

Definition: Probably one of the most talked about crashes in aviation history; read the actual flight log cvr transcript of the crash and learn about the ghosts

23.32:35 RDO-1 Miami Tower, Eastern 401 just turned on final

23.32:45 TWR Who else called?

23.32:48 CAM-1 Go ahead and throw 'em out

23.32:52 RDO-1 Miami Tower, do you read, Eastern 401? Just turned on final

23.32:56 TWR Eastern 401 Heavy, continue approach to 9 left

23.33:00 RDO-1 Coninue approach, roger

23.33:00 CAM-3 Continuous ignition. No smoke CAM-1 Coming on CAM-3 Brake system CAM-1 Okay CAM-3 Radar CAM-1 Up, off CAM-3 Hydraulic panels checked CAM-2 Thirty-five, thirty three CAM-1 Bert, is that handle in? CAM-? * * * CAM-3 Engine crossbleeds are open

23.33:22 CAM-? Gear down CAM-? * * * CAM-1 I gotta CAM-? .....

23.33:25 CAM-1 I gotta raise it back up

23.33:47 CAM-1 Now I'm gonna try it down one more time CAM-2 All right

23.33:58 CAM [sound of altitude alert horn] CAM-2 (Right) gear. CAM-2 Well, want to tell 'em we'll take it around and circle around and # around?

23.34:05 RDO-1 Well ah, tower, this is Eastern, ah, 401. It looks like we're gonna have to circle, we don't have a light on our nose gear yet

23.34:14 TWR Eastern 401 heavy, roger, pull up, climb straight ahead to two thousand, go back to approach control, one twenty eight six

23.34:19 CAM-2 Twenty-two degrees. CAM-2 Twenty-two degrees, gear up CAM-1 Put power on it first, Bert. Thata boy. CAM-1 Leave the # # gear down tll we fid out what we got CAM-2 Allright CAM-3 You want me to test the lights or not? CAM-1 Yeah. CAM-? * * seat back CAM-1 Check it CAM-2 Uh, Bob, it might be the light. Could you jiggle tha, the light? CAM-3 It's gotta, gotta come out a little bit and then snap in CAM-? * * CAM-? I'll put 'em on

23.34:21 RDO-1 Okay, going up to two thousand, one twenty-eight six

23.34:58 CAM-2 We're up to two thousand CAM-2 You want me to fly it, Bob? CAM-1 What frequency did he want us on, Bert? CAM-2 One twenty-eight six CAM-1 I'll talk to 'em CAM-3 It''s right ........... CAM-1 Yeah, ............ CAM-3 I can't make it pull out, either CAM-1 We got pressure CAM-3 Yes sir, all systems CAM-1 # #

23.35:09 RDO-1 All right ahh, Approach Control, Eastern 401, we're right over the airport here and climbing to two thousand feet. in fact, we've just

23.35:20 APP Eastern 401, roger. Turn left heading three six zero and maintain two thousand, vectors to 9 Left final

23.35:28 RDO-1 Left three six zero

23.36:04 CAM-1 Put the ... on autopilot here CAM-2 Allright CAM-1 See if you can get that light out CAM-2 Allright CAM-1 Now push the switches just a ... forward. CAM-1 Okay. CAM-1 You got it sideways, then. CAM-? Naw, I don't think it'll fit. CAM-1 You gotta turn it one quarter turn to the left.

23.36:27 APP Eastern 401, turn left heading three zero zero RDO-1 Okay.

23.36:37 RDO-1 Three zero zero, Eastern 401

23.37:08 CAM-1 Hey, hey, get down there and see if that damn nose wheel's down. You better do that. CAM-2 You got a handkerchief or something so I can get a little better grip on this? Anything I can do with it? CAM-1 Get down there and see if that, see if that # thing ... CAM-2 This won't come out, Bob. If I had a pair of pliers, I could cushion it with that Kleenex CAM-3 I can give you pliers but if you force it, you'll break it, just believe me CAM-2 Yeah, I'll cushion it with Kleenex CAM-3 Oh, we can give you pliers

23.37:48 APP Eastern, uh, 401 turn left heading two seven zero

23.37:53 RDO-1 Left two seven zero, roger

23.38:34 CAM-1 To # with it, to # with this. Go down ans see if it's lined up with the red line. That's all we care. # around with that # twenty-cent piec CAM * * *

23.38:46 RDO-1 Eastern 401 'll go ah, out west just a little further if we can here and, ah, see if we can get this light to come on here

23.38:54 APP Allright, ah, we got you headed westbound there now, Eastern 401

23.38:56 RDO-1 Allright CAM-1 How much fuel we got left on this # # # # CAM-? Fifty two five CAM-2 (It won't come out) no way

23.39:37 CAM-1 Did you ever take it out of there? CAM-2 Huh? CAM-1 Have you evre taken it out of there? CAM-2 Hadn't till now CAM-1 Put it in the wrong way, huh? CAM-2 In there looks * square to me CAM-? Can't you get the hole lined up? CAM-? * * * CAM-? Whatever's wrong? CAM-1 (What's that?)

23.40:05 CAM-2 I think that's over the training field CAM-? West heading you wanna go left or * CAM-2 Naw that's right, we're about to cross Krome Avenue right now

23.40:17 CAM [Sound of click] CAM-2 I don't know what the # holding that # # # # in CAM-2 Always something, we coulda make schedule

23.40:38 CAM [Sound of altitude alert] CAM-1 We can tell if that # # # # is down by looking down at our indices CAM-1 I'm sure it's down, there's no way it couldnt help but be CAM-2 I'm sure it is CAM-1 It freefalls down CAM-2 The tests didn't show that the lights worked anyway CAM-1 That 's right CAM-2 It's a faulty light

23.41:05 CAM-2 Bob, this # # # # just won't come out CAM-1 Allright leave it there CAM-3 I don't see it down there CAM-1 Huh? CAM-3 I don't see it CAM-1 You can't see that indis ... for the nosewheel ah, there's a place in there you can look and see if they're lined up CAM-3 I know, a little like a telescope CAM-1 Yeah CAM-3 Well... CAM-1 It's not lined up? CAM-3 I can't see it, it's pitch dark and I throw the little light I get ah nothing

23.41:31 CAM-4 Wheel-well lights on? CAM-3 Pardon? CAM-4 Wheel-well lights on? CAM-3 Yeah wheel well lights always on if the gear's down CAM-1 Now try it

23.41:40 APP Eastern, ah 401 how are things comin' along out there?

23.41:44 RDO-1 Okay, we'd like to turn around and come, come back in CAM-1 Clear on left? CAM-2 Okay 23.41:47 APP Eastern 401 turn left heading one eight zero

23.41:50 CAM-1 Huh?

23.41:51 RDO-1 One eighty 23.42:05 CAM-2 We did something to the altitude CAM-1 What?

23.42:07 CAM-2 We're still at two thousand right?

23.42:09 CAM-1 Hey, what's happening here? CAM [Sound of click]

23.42:10 CAM [Sound of six beeps similar to radio altimeter increasing in rate]

23.42:12 .... [Sound of impact]


Eastern Flight 401
db#730 - 89