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Flight 401 - Survivors and those who were lost

Definition: A listing of those who survived and those who were lost.

Survivors - Crew and Eastern Employees

Ann Connell, Barry Connell, Angelo Donadeo, Patricia R Georgia, Adrianne Ann Hamilton, Jennifer Larsen, Thomas Mulcahy, Mercedes V Ruiz, Beverly Jean Raposa, Trudy J Smith, Sue F. Tibbs, Sharon R Transue, Dorothy M Warnock.

Survivors - Passengers

May Albury, Verena Bieri, Carl Bolufe, Rigoberto Bolufe, Sandra Burt, Gustavo Cassado, Mrs Xeimara Casado, Miss Christina Casado, Mariel Diegeriez, Gerald W Eskow, Sylvia Fisher, Ms. F. Frankin, Herbert Fresko, Molly Fresko, Alicia Garcia, Julia Garcia, Kathryn F.Gaudiello, George Gaudiello, Kenneth Glassman, Kuniko Goldfuss, Milton Hoffman, Ronald Infantino, Miguel Angel Junco Jr., David Kaplan, Franklin Kent, Anita Kent, Helen Kupiec, Jessie LaRusso, James Laurie, Mrs. Leone Levine, Cornelia Leya, Thomas McAvoy, Joseph Mazur, Rose Mazur, Luis Mejia, Richard N. Micale, Albert J Morris, Janice Minguzzi, Christina Ochoa, Allen Okanawsky, Oneida Pares, Aristides Pares, Martha Pares, Carlos Polanco, Lucino Polanco, Joseph Popson, Richard Pragluski, Goldez Quinico, Evelyn Ragalia, Marie Rego, Glen Remkus*, Francoise Riette, Thomas Rothenberg, Martin Siminerio, Bonnie Silverman, Donna Smith, Millie Soberon, Jerald Solomon, Larry Sumpkins, Marilyn Taylor, Edward Ulrich, Jesse C. Walker, Alan Weiss, Lorenzo Zetlin.

Lost - Passengers and Crew (Name and Birthdate)

Elise Grace Agate 9/3/42
Lourdes Albert 2/20/50
Renee Joaquin Albert 8/3/36
Muriel J. Ames 11/30/40
Luis Bancroft 10/10/48
Adelaide Geneve Bearman 9/21/22
Lloyd Irving Bearman 1/16/23
Darrylle Becker 3/16/43
Jerome Becker 6/27/39
Ernest F. Bloodgood 4/1/16
Loretta E. Bloodgood 10/13/15
Mary Carfizzi 11/3/19
Salvatore Carfizzi 7/15/15
Charles Camichel 9/9/1899 (we assume this is the "C. Carmichael" on the passenger manifest)
Jose Carrasquillo 6/28/40
Paquita Carrasquillo 10/4/40
Donald Stanley Casadona 7/16/38
Maureen I. Chesler 10/12/47
Helen Marie Chestnut 4/17/39
Richard Childs 5/21/52
Dr. Aftabuddin Chowdhury 1/1/43
Lucille Cilles 1/30/24
Yetta Cohn 3/17/16
Braulio Corretjer 1/5/28
Silvia Crespo 11/30/32
Jana Dedek 6/24/53
Isell Delgado 1/23/25
Evelyn De Salazar 11/6/08
Susan Deutsch 10/21/42
Judy Ellenberg 2/27/53
Sara Escobar 8/ 7/31
Varujan Eskihanci 9/7/25
Solomon Fisher 7/18/11
Greta Foye 3/19/45
Jose Garcia 6/4/47
Pedro Garcia 2/10/26
Sharon Norene Gatti 3/2/48
Patricia A. Ghyssels 3/31/45
Bernard A. Goldfuss 11/2/22
Jorge Gonzalez 1/16/38
Maria Elena Gonzalez 9/3/51
Dennis Gordon 12/9/32
Diane Carol Greenblatt 5/5/52
Abbey Lynn Greenwald 9/18/52
Caridad Fermina Hernandez 10/11/32
Fara Infantino 12/7/46
Ethel L. Jackson 3/8/08
Carol Susan Jackter 9/26/52
Eduardo Jaramillo 8/2/32
Ronald Jaye March 27, 1940
Carmen Jorge 7/7/46
Alina Junco 5/2/44
Miguel Junco 8/28/42
Jonathan Adam Kaminer 8/22/70
Michael Ann Kaminer 12/28/45
Selma Karpen 6/16/21
Silvan Karpen 5/23/28
Rose Kashman 9/22/15
Mildred Katz 1/8/34
Charles Kuchenbrod 7/16/30
Marc Leshay 11/28/51
Robert Albin Loft 3/17/17
Jesus Lorenzo 4/26/37
Rosa Losano 11/1/01
Susana Luna 8/29/29
Julia Lustig 5/30/25
Moe Lustig 7/16/23
Barry L. Mancuso 10/19/44
Rosemary Mancuso 10/31/49
Dale Ann Mazzone 5/19/51
Kenneth Michael Mazonne 3/27/44
Rosario Messina 2/29/26
Nicholas Minguzzi 8/5/68
AlanNachmias 5/16/50
Henry Nunez 8/18/23
Nery Palma 7/12/34
Roberto Palma 6/10/27
Elizabeth M. Pollack 12/10/17
Anne Ponte 1/7/16
Thomas Ponte 10/24/11
Samuel J. Prager 12/23/03
Jose Rego 9/5/19
Donald Louis Repo 5/10/21
Elisa Ruth Romero 5/28/44
Rochelle Rubin 1/5/48 (she was the first victim discovered by the search team at 12:30 pm, December 30th)
Unborn son of Rochelle and Stefan Rubin
Stefan Jay Rubin 3/21/49
Barbara Ann Saal
Patricia Renee Shackelford 12/9/52
Klaus Schenck 9/5/39
Eugene Schenker 6/24/30
Richard J. Schulleri 1/3/43
Stephanie Rae Stanich 11/10/48
Allen M. Stark 8/11/49
Albert J. Stockstill 6/9/33
Warren Terry 2/16/34
Janice Testa 9/12/52
James Yandolino 3/7/52
Murray Yellin 6/9/11
Sadie Yellin 1/9/15
Rose Lina Zollo 7/13/43

NOTE - There is no official death certificates for "Mrs. McAvoy," which appeared in passenger lists released to the press at the time. It is now known that "Mrs. McAvoy" was Donna Smith, Thomas McAvoy's traveling companion.


Eastern Flight 401
db#746 - 127