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Ghost of Aaron Burr

Definition: Does Aaron Burr still visit his old carriage house?

Aaron Burr was the third Vice President under Thomas Jefferson, but he is not known so much for that as he is for duel with Alexander Hamilton. After killing Hamilton in the duel, Burr was placed on trial for treason but was acquitted. Today, Burr is said to haunt the One If By Land, Two If By Sea restaurant, in New York City. Located in what was once Burr's carriage house at 17 Barrow Street. Both visitors and staff alike have observed dishes that fly of their own accord and have had chairs pulled out from under them by unseen hands. Also said to haunt the restaurant is Burr's daughter, Theodosia Burr Alston, who vanished off the coast of North Carolina en route to visit her father in New York.


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