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Ghost of Thelma Todd

Definition: The ghost of a shining star from the 30s.

The popular 1930s actress who starred alongside the Marx Brothers and Buster Keaton eventually opened up her owned restaurant, Thelma Todd's Sidewalk Cafe, which her ghost is often sighted at today. The starlet passed away in 1935 due to carbon monoxide poisoning, but her ghost is still seen in the building that used to be her beloved restaurant, casually descending the stairs.


Ghosts of Celebrities

Related Resources

external link 10 Spooky Celebrity Ghost Sightings
external link Forgotten Hollywood: The Unsolved Mystery of the Death of Thelma Todd - Golden Globes - Information about Thelma Todd's death.
external link Thelma Todd - Wikipedia - Information about Thelma Todd.
external link Thelma Todd’s Sidewalk Café — Pacific Palisades Historical Society - Information about Thelma Todd's Restaurant.
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