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Ghost of Orson Welles

Definition: Does Orson Welles still haunt his favorite restaurant?

The Ma Maison restaurant on Melrose Place was a regular haunt for the legendary director and actor Orson Welles. He ate there every day, sat at a corner table by the toilets. Welles was such a fixture at Ma Maison that the restaurant would receive his mail and take phone calls for him. The chef Wolfgang Puck would also run new recipes by Welles for approval.

Welles died in 1985, and the restaurant closed its doors that same year. The two events were not related. The land that Ma Maison stood on was later redeveloped and replaced by Sweet Lady Jane's Bakery. Staff at the bakery claimed that the ghost of Welles would sit in the dining area, heralded by the smell of cigar smoke and bourbon.

Although the new location had a different layout and sat further forward on the lot from the Ma Maison restaurant, and the location that Welles would frequent each night, it is believed that the spirit of this legendary director and actor has learned to adjust to the new surroundings and find himself at home once again.


Ghosts of Celebrities
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