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Coventry Spectre Ghost Picture

Definition: An unexpected guest in the form of a ghost appears in this picture taken at a dinner at the Coventry Freeman organization.

On January 22, 1985, the Coventry Freeman organization were having a dinner event at St. Mary's Guildhall in Coventry, U.K. Everyone in the group had her or his head bowed in prayer when this photo was taken -- including a towering, mysterious figure standing top left. The strange cowled spectre appears to be wearing clothing much like a monk's frock from another time. Lord Mayor Walter Brandish, who was present at the dinner, said there was no one at the event who was dressed like that, and he could not explain the presence of the interloper in the photo.

St. Mary's Guildhall dates back to the 14th century and served as a prison for Mary, Queen of Scots.


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