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Specter of Newby Church

Definition: Old photos with strange blurs or shadows may be ghost manifestations, like The Specter of Newby Church, a photograph that may contain evidence of paranormal energy.

Essentially what happened was either in 1953 , or 1964, the Reverend Kenneth Lord was taking photographs inside his own church. It was a warm summers evening in either July or August. Only a friend of his was present in the church at the same time, nobody else. Nobody was visible when he took this photograph of the altar. And on developing the photograph he was shocked to see what looks like an extremely tall, extremely thin figure in a bad Halloween costume is how it is often described; it's a robed figure with some kind of sack cloth across his face. This is one of the classic ghost photographs.

If you do the math and look at the size of the figure itself in proportion to the altar's dimensions, the figure does appear to be nine feet tall. But what nobody is sure about is which step, if any the figure is standing on. So, it may be a six foot tall figure standing on the middle step, perhaps, with the edge of the robe draped over the lower steps.

It is also important to ask oneself, what did this man who is a respected member of the clergy, what did he have to gain by faking a photo like this. He gained a bit of fame, or perhaps notoriety, which benefited him nothing; there was no financial gain involved, so why would he have faked it? .


Famous Ghost Photos
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