The delicious legend of the "The Brown Lady" ghost of Raynham Hall comes with side orders of infidelity and revenge.
The Brown Lady Ghost lives in England. She haunts a place called Raynham Hall. Why have people spotted this apparition, gliding down the stair in her beautiful brown dress? Well it seems that Lady Townsend, when she was engaged to her husband, Charles, fooled around with another man -- a guy named Lord Wharton. Her husband suspected, and it's said that after he told her friends that she had passed away, she was still alive -- locked up in a room in a remote corner of Raynham Hall.
Many people have seen this 17th Century apparition, but she was popularized in a photograph taken by some photographers from Country Life magazine. They were at Raynham Hall to do a photo spread when the Brown Lady Ghost appeared. It's hard to imagine this poor, restless spirit haunting Raynham Hall from the 17th Century to this very day. What makes her stay? I speculate that it's either pain or guilt. And so far, no one's been able to discover what might set her free.
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