Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, The House of Seven Gables, also known as the Turner-Ingersoll Mansion has a reputation for being haunted. Many people claim to see the ghost of Susan Ingersoll, a cousin of author Nathaniel Hawthorne, roaming the hallways and peering out of the windows. Visitors and employees hear eerie noises, the faucets turn on and off all on their own and the toilets often flush themselves.
The most famous apparition at the house of Seven Gables is one captured on film by a tourist. In her photo, a woman named Lisa B. found the image of a small boy who seems to be in the shrubbery, peering over a wooden fence.
Doing some research about the house, she came across one of Nathaniel Hawthorne's books. She was startled by the cover of Twenty Days with Julian & Little Bunny by Papa, since it shows a portrait of Hawthorne's five-year-old son, who bears a striking resemblance to the ghost in her photograph.
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