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San Antonios Railroad Crossing Ghost

Definition: The San Antonio Railroad Ghost is a legendary story of lost souls trying to help from the afterlife.

It all happened back in the 1930's. A school bus, loaded with children, was traveling across the railroad tracks when it was met by an oncoming train. Here's what happened: ten children and the bus driver were killed. The legend goes, that cars stranded on the railroad tracks are saved by the spirits of the children, who hope to prevent a tragedy similar to their own.

Cars line up, again and again, hoping to test the theory, and it's said that even though the land under the railroad tracks is on an upward grade cars roll across as if pushed by unseen hands. This is a classic example of an urban legend, because there's no documentation of a school bus accident at those railroad tracks or anywhere in San Antonio in the 1930's. There was, however, a similar accident in Utah which was well-documented in San Antonio newspapers. Just another example of how a ghost story can travel -- even without a train.


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