If you spend any time at Boothill Graveyard, originally Tombstone Cemetery in Tombstone, Arizona, be careful where you step. If you don't, you could bump into a visitor from the afterlife.
The Ghost of Boothill Graveyard is yet another example of a ghost that was first seen in a photograph. A guy named Terry Clanton was asked by a friend to go to Boothill Graveyard and take his photo wearing western garb. He and Terry went out to the cemetery in the early morning hours and Terry says that there were no other people there. They took the photograph, and after having it developed at a local drugstore, they discovered something very strange. Behind Terry's friend, there was another image: the image of a man wearing a dark hat and holding a very large knife.
Like some of the Civil War ghosts spotted at Gettysburg we think that this apparition appears at the cemetery again and again because of a traumatic event. Let's face it, when you're talking about the Old West, Tombstone was one of the wildest and wooliest places around. So it's not unusual to think that some kind of deadly skirmish occurred at the Boothill Graveyard.
The photo of the apparition at Boothill Graveyard has been examined by experts the world over and so far, it has never been proven to be a fake.
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