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Pink Lady of Greencastle

Definition: A picture of the ghost of the Pink Lady of Greencastle, photographed by Guy Winters.

These photos were taken by Guy Winters when he and friend were investigating the O'Hare mansion in Greencastle, Indiana. They were told about the old abandoned house by another friend who said he and his girlfriend were scared away from it by some ghostly entity. So with permission of the owner, Guy and Terry went to explore the property. Armed with video and film cameras, the team spend a couple of days, in both daylight and at night, looking for evidence of possible haunting activity.

The photos are the remarkable result of a picture Guy took of one of the upstairs windows. The image of a vaporous pink ghostly woman is rather clear. Guy did not see the figure at the time he snapped the photo, but saw it only after the film was developed. An analysis of the film determined that the image is present on the film's negative. The bottom right photo is a digital enhancement, which reveals a skull-like appearance for the ghost's face.

Several other anomalies and paranormal activity were experienced there by Winter's team.


Famous Ghost Photos
db#787 - 189