The Combermere Abbey Ghost, believed to be the ghost of Lord Combermere himself, is a very interesting photograph. Combermere was a general in the British Army. He served in India, he served in The Peninsula War as a commander of cavalry and he eventually became governor of Barbados before retiring home. In 1891, he was sadly killed, struck by a speeding horse & carriage.
At the time that he was buried, a visitor was in the library of his home in Combermere Abbey, taking a photograph of the library. The house was empty, the servants were all attending his funeral in fact, four miles away, and when the photograph was developed, what appears to be the arm, neck, shoulder, and head of a man appear sitting in Lord Combermere's favorite reading chair.
One possible explanation for this, is that cause the exposure was fairly long, about an hour, somebody could have conceivably entered the room during the exposure, sat down, stood up, left the room, and we are seeing a residue or an imprint of that person. The argument against that is that the house was supposedly empty because everyone was away at the funeral. It is a particularly impressive piece of evidence. Combermere Abbey itself is now open to the public and does in fact do ghost investigations if research teams would like to rent the place for an evening.
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