The Backseat Ghost is not just another example of a ghost seen in a photograph. It's another example of a ghost that doesn't seem to realize it's dead! In 1959, a woman named Mrs. Mabel Chinnery went to pay her last respects to her mother, who had died a short time before. She and her husband went to the graveyard and Mrs. Chinnery got out, leaving her husband alone in the car. When she went back to the car, she decided to snap a photo of him sitting there. When they had the film developed, they got a big surprise: sitting in the car with her husband was her mother! Mrs. Chinnery's mother was all dressed up wearing her glasses, ready to go for a ride.
Now some people who deal with ghosts and the paranormal speculate that perhaps ghosts shouldn't be wearing clothing when they appear to people like us. I think to do otherwise would not only be more frightening but highly inappropriate!
So what's the deal with Mrs. Chinnery's mother, sitting there in the car when she really should be dead? Some paranormal experts believe that there may be a kind of a holding ground between Earth and the afterlife -- a kind of spiritual waiting room, if you will. Maybe Mrs. Chinnery's mother, in a hurry to get where she was going, decided that the car would be her fastest mode of transportation.
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