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Phantom Pilot Photo

Definition: Old photos with strange blurs or shadows may be ghost manifestations, like The Phantom Pilot, a photograph that may contain evidence of paranormal energy.

Profile of the phantom pilot is a very interesting photograph taken in 1987 at the Fleet Air Arm Base in Yelverton. The lady in the photograph, Mrs. Sayer, sat in the left hand seat of the helicopter; nobody visible in the photograph at the time, and yet when the photograph was developed, we see what appears to be a male in a white shirt with either dark hair, or some kind of hat, sitting in the right seat. And it looks like he may be reading a newspaper, reading a manual, or some kind of book; he's got a very downwards looking gaze as if he is reading something.

An interesting coda to this story is that when other photographs were taken at The fleet armed facility on this same day and they were developed, nothing else on the roll of film came out but this one photograph; all of the other images were blank, except this one photograph. So Mrs. Sayer did speak with an investigator from the SPR, The Society for Psychical Research. She felt extremely cold at the time that the image was taken, and this is not unusual in reported cases of paranormal activity. One current theory for this is that in order to manifest, the paranormal activity has to expend energy from somewhere and that it is using heat energy from the ambient air in order to manifest, and hence we are seeing coldness as a manifestation of that.

One curious thing about this image, is although it is taken in 1987, it was actually into the public domain in 1995. We have no explanation of that eight year gap. However, it seems very odd that someone would spend eight years faking a photograph, again for no apparent gain. And something very interesting, although The Minister of Defense did verify that this helicopter was employed during The Falklands conflict, we do not know if anyone was killed, or injured inside it because it is an official secret.


Famous Ghost Photos
db#778 - 135